In Deeplish our aim is to create novice learners to embed skills and knowledge in writing and spoken language so that children can become writing experts.
We will deliver a curriculum that:
- Enables pupils to become fluent in key transcriptional components and grammar, which will support them in writing accurately.
- Our models for writing are built around quality texts which are rich and varied. Reading and writing in this school operates in symbiosis. The quality text used for reading equally promotes the outcome for writing. In this way, pupils can use their reading experiences to support them in their writing.
- We have designed a bespoke curriculum with specific teaching of progressive vocabulary using quality texts and our writing cycle.
- Working walls are used to support the reduction in the transience of information.
- Sharp assessment allows for swift intervention and scaffolds to be put into place to support every child becoming a writer.
- Due to a high rate of mobility, we use robust tracking systems to support the rapid assessment of International New Arrivals and other pupils new to our Academy.
The aim of our Reading curriculum is to develop children who have a rich understanding of vocabulary, literature and poetry through reading, analysing and engaging with material across the curriculum.
We will do so by delivering a curriculum & ethos that:
- Raises the profile Reading for both pleasure and the development of knowledge.
- Develop a toolkit of strategies to interact with an unpick quality texts in order to understand their surface and hidden meanings.
- Exposes children to topic specific vocabulary that will expand their knowledge and build progressively on their knowledge each year.
- Based around quality texts to reinforce children’s contextual understanding of literature.
- Teaches specific progressive vocabulary using quality texts and reading VIPERS sessions.
- Allows children to practice reading skills and become readers for life
- Supports the community we serve through providing workshops for parents to support learning to read at home and develop parents own knowledge of how children learn to read.
- Prioritises children being able to read a diverse range of texts, so that characters are relatable and aspirational.
- Designated time for a shared class read session, to support children's ability to listen and attend and create a culture where books are discussed and celebrated.
- Fosters our children as life-long readers with a primary focus is supporting both fluency and comprehension of texts.
- Ensures oracy is supported through school-wide approaches that includes explicitly teaching children how to form verbal arguments and discussions.
- Prioritises early reading skills and Phonics from Nursery through to KS1.
- Assesses children regularly to allows for swift intervention and scaffolds to be put into place to support every child becoming a reader.
- Uses robust tracking systems to support the rapid assessment of International New Arrivals and other pupils new to our Academy.