At Deeplish, French is one way in which all children are able to experience life in all its fullness as they come to understand French as a language for cultural and individual expression.
At Deeplish we use a scheme of work (Rising Stars Euro Stars) to ensure children receive high quality French lessons each week, showing clear progression through the national curriculum requirements and beyond. French is taught weekly in all classes, including in EYFS.
Our intention is first and foremost to help children to develop a life-long love of the French language.
We aim to instil a love of language learning and an awareness of other cultures. We want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in French for practical purposes, using both written and spoken French.
Through our scheme of work, we aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to other languages, facilitates further language study and opens future opportunities to study and work abroad.
Our scheme of work supports pupils to meet the National Curriculum end of Key Stage 2 attainment targets.
We celebrate community languages with our Young Interpreters scheme and use children’s pre-knowledge of more than one language as the foundation for our teaching.
Our French curriculum aims to provide pupils with a firm foundation of language learning. For this reason, we have carefully planned and sequenced when to teach the
three building blocks of a language system:
- Vocabulary
- Grammar
- Phonics
Pupils connect these building blocks of knowledge to create meaning in a variety of contexts, allowing them to develop their skills in the following strands:
- Language comprehension
- Listening and reading
- Language production
- Speaking and writing