At Deeplish our Geography curriculum aims to:
- deliver a high-quality Geography curriculum, which inspires a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people to develop an understanding of all that geography has to offer.
- enable pupils to become independent, geographical enquirers so that they are confident using key geographical skills across a range of contexts.
The geography curriculum at Deeplish meets the expectations set out in the EYFS and National Curriculum. The curriculum is increasingly demanding and aims to broaden and deepen pupils’ geographical knowledge through the study of progressively mapped disciplinary content:
- Locational Knowledge
- Place Knowledge
- Human and Physical processes
- Geographical Skills
The curriculum content been carefully selected to ensure pupils have the building blocks they need for later work for example children begin to compare progressively wider geographical areas such as towns, cities and then countries. Children investigate a range of places (both in the UK and the wider world) to develop their knowledge of the Earth’s human and physical processes.
Core knowledge is mapped out for each unit of learning and is taught through the lens of a driver concept (substantive content).
Substantive concepts are carefully chosen to ensure subject integrity.